Club purpose

  • A clean environment is exceptionally important for leading peaceful and healthy life. However, our environment is deteriorating day by day due to the negligence of some individuals. This is an issue that everyone must consider, especially for the sake of our future generations.
  • The Environment Club is a voluntary group composed of students and a teacher, which promotes students' participation in learning about and working towards the conservation and sustainability of their environment.
  • To create awareness among the students about the need of environmental Protection.
  • To prepare and organize student`s participation for preservation and conservation of environment.
  • To make Clean and Green Campus.
  • To use different media such as audio, visual, posters, seminar, workshop, Guest Lecture and competitions for spreading messages concerning environment
  • To create awareness among Society regarding environmental protection and to create a pollution free environment.
  • Our primary objective is to work in the field of the environment and social welfare. We have some great ideas that will not only help save the environment and increase environmental awareness but also provide employment opportunities for people. 
  • Together, we can enhance environmental awareness among the TCSC community and faculty in various ways. TCSC students can have a platform to implement widespread improvements in society through social entrepreneurship skills and can even learn event organization as well.


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